Ahmed Saeed

Assurance service director

  • Experience Overview

Mr. Ahmed has extensive professional experience in the field of auditing and consulting. He has worked in several countries, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He has participated in numerous transitions from Saudi standards to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Additionally, he has gained extensive auditing experience over the past 15 years in the profession.​

  • Key Experiences and Projects

Mr. Ahmed Saeed possesses the necessary skills and abilities to lead and guide audit teams, providing the necessary guidance and supervision to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of audit operations. In addition, he provides technical and administrative support for audits by offering professional consultations and guidance in light of international standards.

He has extensive experience in managing and supervising projects, having managed projects with several companies. His broad experience spans various industries and fields. He has significant expertise in transitioning from Saudi accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and extensive experience in financial training and consulting.


External Audit Services


Experience in Sectors

  • Banking & Financial sector.​
  • Commercial sectors​
  • Industrial sectors.​
  • Telecommunications sectors​
  • Hospitality industry ​
  • Insurance sector​


  • Education and Professional Certifications

  • Bachelor of Commerce (2000) –Ain Shams University, Egypt ​
  • (Dip IFRS) International Financial Reporting Diploma (2010) – ACCA​
  • Certified Accountant at the Egyptian Finance Ministry, audit and accountants record register, with the Right to Reviewing and Approbation of Sharing Associations, Egypt​

Our Team
